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West Virginia has joined Tennessee, Mississippi, Maryland, Arkansas, and Arizona as the sixth state for which CCE proudly provides jurisprudence examinations.
The ultimate purpose of a jurisprudence examination is to protect the public by ensuring that a professional has demonstrated their knowledge of the state laws, rules, and regulations that underpin their professional practice. CCE designs and delivers jurisprudence examinations of the highest caliber and offers state licensure boards the opportunity to partner in the development and maintenance of their state’s jurisprudence examinations and tutorials.
“Providing a jurisprudence examination for the West Virginia Board of Examiners in Counseling is rewarding,” says Dr. Winifert Lawson-Graves, Director of Business Development and Marketing at CCE. “Jurisprudence examinations play a vital role in the regulatory landscape. They serve as a robust assessment tool to gauge the knowledge, understanding, and ethical judgment of individuals seeking to become counselors or maintain their licensure.”
CCE collaborated diligently with Cheryl Henry, Executive Director for West Viriginia’s Board of Examiners in Counseling (WVBEC), in this endeavor.
“Jurisprudence is important because it can provide an overview and better understanding of current legislative rules that pertain to licensure and supervision, says Henry. “The examination will ensure that all Approved Licensed Professional Supervisors (ALPS) are abreast of the current rules and responsibilities required to provide the most effective supervision to their supervisees.”
CCE develops jurisprudence tutorials and assessments using subject matter experts and psychometricians to ensure items accurately measure the information state legislators have determined are necessary for safe practice. We also provide and maintain the online platform that houses the tutorials, CCE Academy.
Henry lauded CCE as WVBEC made the decision to use the jurisprudence examination. “CCE is a trusted testing entity that the WVBEC has an established relationship with. The customer service provided is top notch, and the helpful insight they provided led to a seamless process.”
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